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Music and Art in an inspiring dialogue for a better world

The visual and acoustical book with ten musical works by the percussionist, Matthias Krohn, and ten paintings by the visual artist, Dietmar Wagner, is modeled as an LP album cover. Instead of a long-playing record inside, there is an audio CD and an elaborately designed twelve-page insert with the works of art. The musician describes his music as a complex multi-style fusion, influenced by various sources: "I don't write pieces, I invent stories that have emerged throughout many years of experiencing and working with diverse musical genres." Like the soundtrack of a movie, the virtual BEING orchestra transforms these stories into tones, sounds and rhythms. Together with Wagner‘s richly facetted analog images, entirely new multilayered experiences unfold, exciting to hear and see.

The two artists emphasize the charitable background of this exceptional project. The net proceeds from INSIGHT INSIDE will be used to support
volunteer-led initiatives that help make this, our only world, a better one. Join them in this transforming process, combined with an artistic experience bringing thought and reflection.



Consider: The medium Internet can only approximately reproduce what the concept album INSIGHT INSIDE offers visually, acoustically and last but not least haptically. The music unfolds its full sound range only with listening through a well-tuned hi-fi system or high-quality headphones. Together with the viewing of the paintings on printed quality paper, the sensual experience becomes complete.

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